Friday 25 September 2015

The Channels of Youtube (Part 3)

The Vlogging Channels: These channels' content has an acquired taste. I feel you either love them or you hate them as they can either be very interesting or unbelievably boring. Let me give an example of each. Casey Neistat is a vlogger and one of my favourite YouTubers. All he does is takes a camera and records his daily routine. You would imagine that following someone's life is not a very interesting hobby however when you watch Casey Neistat you can realise how good it can be. Casey lives in New York, works in New York, has a wife and one kid, owns a motorized skateboard and has a friend called Marlyn that delivers his mail. Still sound boring? Fair enough. The way Neistat draws you in is with his incredible editing abilities, creative camera work and captivating tone of voice. He also created an app called Beme where users can broadcast short videos of their life to the world. He is one of the main people that inspired me to start a YouTube channel,.
Now there is also some very bad vloggers that see really good vloggers and think that all they need to do to be the same is to take out a camera, press record, hold it in front of their face, and chuck everything together in a terrible editing software. If this is you, please stop. The people that do this put up some of the most uninteresting content on YouTube and I just don't see the point of this.

There are plenty more YouTube channel types out there but the four I have chosen are the ones I tend to watch the most.

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